Quality, it Speaks For Itself
Release date:2024-03-22

The certificate from the OREGON BALLISTIC LABORATORIES just make the day. 

Quality is Sinty's culture, always and forever.


Closing thoughts

This is the real thing for 7.62x51mm, level III, thickness range from 14mm, 15.2mm to 17.7mm depends on your preference.

One finished test is not the ending, it's just the beginning, all ballistic panels provided by Sinty® are tested both field-level and lab level environments.

Let's expect another new test for the PE Flexible Hard Panel of 4.4mm and 4.0mm in the coming Sunday in Colombia this week.

Good quality speaks for itself always.

If you are interested in the ballistic door panel of the vehicle, or you have any questions, feel free to ask Sonya.

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